Big MaMa Earth's Learning Experience is appearing at Schools, Green Events, Sporting Events and will be in your community very soon!!

"Wyland" the world renowned Artist and Environmental Philanthropist & Big MaMa Earth hosted the Orange County Green Fair 2012 – May 17, 2012

Big MaMa Earth, Eco-Earth Kids & Cathy empowering kids at the Orange County Earth Fair 2012 – May 17, 2012

Big MaMa Earth, Cathy & the Eco-Earth Kid's lead the children's parade at Earth Fair 2012 on April 22nd in Balboa Park, San Diego – over 80,000 people attended the event.

Earth Fair 2012 San Diego April 22nd – Big MaMa Earth with "Miss Green Winners" during the children's parade.

Big MaMa Earth, Ross, Cathy and the Eco-Earth Kids performing at Earth Fair 2012 on April 22nd in San Diego – Balboa Park

Big MaMa Earth with her fans teaching environmental solutions – April 22, 2012 Earth Fair San Diego.