Parents Big MaMa Earth is a safe, empowering and educational website for children to learn about our world’s environmental challenges and ways that they can make a difference. Big MaMa Earth Chat and safe and we use an intelligent filtering system, but we encourage you to participate with you children in chat within the Action Center and Think Tank sections.

We also ask that you PLEASE DONATE to the BIG MAMA EARTH LEARNING ACADEMY. To make a donation or to become a Sponsor or Partner with Big MaMa Earth Learning Academy, please call us at 888-849-1233.

Please be aware of the following chat and behavior code when your child plays in Big MaMa Earth.

We ask that your child does not:

  1. Ask or mention their personal information, such as real name, phone number, and home address. For example you can say I live in Dallas or Milwaukee, but no other details such as your street address.
  2. Expression implying sexual or violent content.
  3. Tease other users with conversation or avatar actions.
  4. Use expressions or behavior not appropriate for children.

Users who violate the Big MaMa Earth Chat and behavior code may receive a warning, suspension or be banned from the site.