

Freeing the Elwha!

ENN Twitter   <!– –> Exciting and dramatic changes have taken place in the Elwha River in the last two years with the removal of two dams. The Glines Canyon Dam (1927) and the Elwha Dam (1910) were removed to restore the watershed’s ecology unblocking passage for mig
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Sea and storm: coastal habitats offer strongest defense

Surging storms and rising seas threaten millions of U.S. residents and billions of dollars in property along coastlines. The nation’s strongest defense, according to a new study by scientists with the Natural Capital Project at the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment, c
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A challenge in assessing the impacts of climate change on the oceans

ENN Twitter   <!– –> Assessing the effect of climate change on upwelling ecosystems is essential to be able to predict the future of marine resources. The zones concerned by this upwelling of cold deep water, which is very rich in nutrients, provide up to 20% of glob
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Who is exposed to more pesticides, rural or urban dwellers?

Who has higher levels of pesticide exposure, New Yorkers or rural dwellers near commercial farms? The answer might surprise you: for at least two classes of pesticide, New Yorkers are actually more exposed, despite the fact that we associate pesticide use with the application of such
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The Rise of Indoor Cropping

It’s commonly accepted that record food prices were one of the key triggers for the Arab Spring. This year in Zimbabwe, critical levels of crop failure put over two million people at risk of chronic malnutrition. Even a prosperous state like Singapore, which imports over 90 perc
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Team 11th Hour to run the most eco-efficient cross-continental sailing race ever

World-class sailors Rob Windsor (Long Island, NY) and Hannah Jenner (Shropshire, England) are teaming up with Team 11th Hour Racing to run the most eco-efficient race in the history of sailing at the 20th anniversary of the Transat Jacques Vabre, considered the “Super Bowl”
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Respect the Wolves

State wildlife management practices directed to maximize deer numbers for recreational hunters, rural America’s virtual extermination of the wolf over the past two centuries, coupled with forest management practices and agricultural expansion indirectly providing feed for deer and the
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Record temperatures set to reach tropics first

Tropical regions will be the first to experience unprecedented climate change, leading to significant upheaval for biodiversity and communities, according to a study published in Nature today. ADVERTISEMENT <!–/* * Replace all instances of INSERT_RANDOM_NUMBER_HERE with * a g
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Government Shutdown leaves Antarctic Research Operations in the cold

ENN Twitter   <!– –> The National Science Foundation (NSF) has announced the suspension of all operations “not essential to the human safety and preservation of the property”.  This means that field and research activities will be wrapped up as the U.S. A
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Climate modeling update

ENN Twitter   <!– –> Climate models keep getting better but still can’t predict with great certainty. So scientists run multiple models and look at the results of each model and calculate a consensus projection. The intent is to reduce the level of uncertainty
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