

Climate change pushing tropical trees upslope ‘exactly as predicted’

Tropical tree communities are moving up mountainsides to cooler habitats as temperatures rise, a new study in Global Change Biology has found. By examining the tree species present in ten one-hectare plots at various intervals over a decade, researchers found that the proportion of lo
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Crossing the Northwest Passage: Cargo Ship Navigates Arctic Route

The Northwest Passage is a 900-mile long sea route through the Arctic Ocean that connects the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. Access through this passage would allow many short cuts and benefits for the shipping industry. However, it’s frozen waters and dangerous ice caps have prove
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Switch to organic farming may boost yields and incomes

Switching to organic and resource-conserving methods of farming can improve smallholder crop yields, food security and income, a review study has found. ADVERTISEMENT But a more-extensive evidence base founded on rigorous and consistent research methods is needed before the findings c
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Are Sierra Nevada forest fires getting more severe?

A new scientific study finds that fire severity is not increasing in the forests of California’s Sierra Nevada. The findings are contrary to claims by those who have tried to use recent fires in the region to justify more logging in the state’s forests. ADVERTISEMENT <!
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Indonesia and EU sign deal to end illegal timber trade

Indonesian and the European Union signed a deal on Monday that aims to curb illegal logging by ending all trade in illegal wood products between Asia’s largest exporter of timber to Europe and each of the EU’s 28 member states. ADVERTISEMENT <!–/* * Replace all in
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Extreme wildfires

ENN Twitter <!– –> It has been a deadly year for the people who fight wildfires. In total, 32 people have lost their lives fighting fires in 2013; the highest number in nearly 20 years, according to the National Interagency Fire Center. ADVERTISEMENT Just one inciden
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Norway Devotes Big Bucks To Crop Diversity

Earlier this week, the government of Norway pledged US$23.7 million to conserve and sustainably manage some of the world”s most important food crops, citing the critical need for crop diversity at a time when populations are soaring and climate change is threatening staples like
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Borneo Tribesmen Block Road as Controversial Rainforest Dam Impoundment Begins

ENN Twitter Indigenous leaders have set up roadblocks in Malaysian Borneo to protest Sarawak’s newest dam, report environmental activists who oppose the project. According to the Borneo Project and the Bruno Manser Fund, more than 100 Penan are blocking road traffic to protest f
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New UN climate change report

The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been leading the effort in collecting scientific evidence of climate change and in looking to answer the most important question, is it caused by human activity? Some argue that it is caused mostly by natural vari
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An Account of the Climate as Told by the Trees

ENN Twitter Researchers at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam, Germany are reconstructing temperature data from trees in Turkey to better define and understand the climactic conditions.  Researchers have confidently chronicled a block of time that reflects the m
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